Shigeki Kuroda, a long favorite at Luber Gallery, with his whizzing bicycles. He uses the bike image in the foreground, and is forever designing new environments for them to drive through.
Born: 1953 in Kanagawa and resides now in Kanagawa with his wife and daughter. Studied at Tama Art University. His artwork is in the following collections: Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio; Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts; Yokohama Museum of Art;Hawaii State Museum;British Mujseum, Constanza City Museum, Romania Has shown in the following exhibitions: 1996 Solo Exhibition, Tokyo 1997 FEWS Friends Print E Exhibit Yokohama 1998 Five Cosmos, Tokyo. We visited Shigeki Kuroda in 2008 and brought back several of his new works.